Deform was an important supplier to Ringhals during 2022
In the fall of 2022, Deform was given an extraordinary task of forming pressure vessel parts for a mockup that was included in a critical repair at Ringhals nuclear power plant. The delivery time was extremely tight, as one of the vital vessels in the power plant was damaged. The entire community was affected as electricity production was down and no time could be wasted.
The purpose of the mockup was to create an environment as close to the actual one as possible, where Ringhals's skilled specialists could practice the different steps of the very important and difficult repair. Therefore, it can be said that a mockup is a full-scale, but simplified, prototype. The mockup enables fully authentic preparations and training of the critical steps that must be performed in a live environment after thorough safety planning.
It was full focus from day one, and we immediately formed a project team with an overall project manager and three subgroups. Meetings were held daily, and there was always a plan B. We worked around the clock - the demands made it so that regular work methods were simply not fast enough. Everyone in the company pitched in and it is with great pride that we look back. We have a very satisfied customer at Ringhals and we know that our contribution was important in restoring a critical system for the society.
For more information about the project, see the article: Så repareras Ringhals 4
Figure 1. Pressure vessel (Ringhalls AB 2022) (Pressure vessel illustration ↗)
Figure 2. Loading of modules for Ringhals 4 pressure vessel mockup (Deform 2022)
Figure 3. Mockup modules (Deform 2022)
Figure 4. Work platform in the top of the mockup. Malin Söderlind's photograph (2022) (Inside the mockup ↗)
References: Anna Collin (2022) Så repareras Ringhals 4. [2023-01-16]
Text, figures and photos are used with the permission of the copyright holders.
For more information please contact
Technical Sales ManagerPatrick Wirtanen
Mob +46 70 229 51 13