Important supply of pressure vessel head to pulp digester
During the spring of 2019, Deform manufactured and delivered a large and demanding pressure vessel head to a continuous cooking digester for a pulp mill extension project in South America. The head weighs about 75 tons and consists of a puzzle of 26 different parts. The diameter is about 12.5 meters and the material is very tough duplex stainless steel (1.4462).
The pictures below show the pre-assembly at Deform before delivery to Terästorni, our customer in Finland, who welded the head and delivered it to their customer in two halves.
Terästorni have high demands on both fit and measurement accuracy, and Deform's delivery responded well to set expectations.
A very successful project and we are now looking forward to several collaborations.
For more information please contact
Bengt Skånberg Christensson
Mob +46 70 581 50 15