
On Friday, March 3, Odd, Anders, Patrik, Roger and Johan completed a powerful performance in Stafettvasan, a cross-country skiing relay race. The waxing team had succeeded, and spirits were high!

The event showcased an impressive volunteer engagement from all the friendly people who had created fantastic conditions, and we skiers had an amazing skiing experience. The atmosphere was high in Sälen, the start went off, and all participants were happy and friendly, setting the tone for the day. The first 3 km slope was cleared without any falls or broken poles, which was a good sign for the rest of the race.

During the race, the weather and conditions varied from optimal tracks in -3°C, tailwind, clear blue sky, and bright sunshine on the first stretches, to strong wind, cloudy and around 0°C, rain/snow towards the end of the race. The wind brought a lot of debris into the tracks, and the optimal waxing was topped with unwanted additional debris in the form of needles and beard lichen.

Despite these challenges, Team Deform 1 persevered and gathered at the finish line to cheer on Johan Ström as he crossed the finish line on the last distance in Mora. Overall, it was a fantastic day, and the joy and enthusiasm of all participants were at its peak.