Very fast development of hatches to General Dynamics vehicle, Scout.
Deform has received it´s first armor steel order from GDELS Santa Barbara Sistemas S.A. with development of new prototypes of hatches for the crew and driver, to the Scout which is one of the competitors for supplying the Danish defense forces with a number of hundreds of vehicles.
GDELS, which is the short name of General Dynamics European Land System, belongs to General Dynamics one of the world biggest group within the defense industry with over 90.000 employees.
Although the project was extremely tight, could Deform implement it within the time and with excellent results thanks to good support from GDELS and extra efforts from both Deform and our subcontractors. The project also included a presented FAI, First Article Inspection, to secure and verify all the specifications regarding mechanical properties and dimensions of finished parts. GDELS have shown great appreciation for our input.
For more information please contact
Annika Gruvborg
Mob +46 70 240 11 46